Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Cabaran guru dalam dunia tanpa sempadan

Assalamualaikum semua!

Pada hari ini tamatlah tugas saya sebagai guru secara rasmi. Baiklah, seperti yang saya sudah janjikan sebelum ini saya akan bercerita mengenai cabaran guru dalam dunia tanpa sempadan. Dalam dunia yang serba canggih ini, maklumat peribadi kita bukan lagi rahsia. Dalam sekelip mata, kita sudah dapat maklumat yang kita kehendaki. Ramai juga yang menggunakan maklumat peribadi ini untuk menyerang guru begitu juga pentadbir sekolah. 

Guru tidak lari daripada kepesatan teknologi. Dalam pelan pembangunan pendidikan 2013-2025, begitu banyak sekali inisiatif kerajaan dalam memastikan golongan guru sentiasa ditahap terbaik terutama sekali dalam memastikan guru-guru fasih dalam dunia serba canggih ini. Kini, bukan sahaja guru perlu celik dalam konteks IT, tetapi juga mendepani masalah sosial dalam kalangan pelajar terutama dalam era dunia tanpa sempadan.

Era dunia tanpa sempadan bermaksud maklumat juga berada dihujung jari pelajar. Jika tidak dikawal, dikhuatiri pelajar akan mudah terpengaruh apatah lagi pelajar sekolah menengah berada dalam peringkat ingin mencuba. Justeru, ibubapa memainkan peranan penting. Memetik kata-kata ustaz kazim alias, beliau menyatakan bahawa ibubapa bertanggungjawab mengajar anak tentang akhlak sebagai pelajar. Ini bermaksud ibubapa harus mempersiapkan anak mereka untuk sedia menerima ilmu. Manakala tanggungjawab guru pula ialah memastikan pelajar menerima ilmu tersebut. Jadi, jika salah satu gagal berfungsi maka ini bermaksud terdapat kelemahan dalam satu sistem pendidikanm iaitu pendidikan dari ibubapa dan guru.

Oleh yang demikian, saya pasti dalam tempoh menjelang 2020 ini profession guru patut diangkat lebih tinggi lagi kerana cabaran yang mereka lalui bukan calang-calang. Diharapkan agar ibubapa memainkan peranan dalam mendidik anak-anak dari rumah lagi agar lebih berdisiplin. Yang baik itu datang dari Allah, yang buruk itu datang dari diri saya yang lemah ini.

This is me, bukan perfeksi.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

International Passport

Assalamualaikum everyone!!!

Today was hectic for me. Fuuuuu! Lot of things to do before retired as teacher. Anyway, today I wanted to share about International passport. First of all I want to congratulate our Immigration department of Malaysia for their wonderful improvement. *applause everybody*


I think that they have done huge improvement. Now, it only took roughly about 1 hour and 30 minutes to make International Passport. The price also has reduced and I think it is quite affordable and reasonable for everyone. For a 2 years passport, it only cost me RM100. For those that want extra mile, you can get a 5 years passport that will only cost you RM200. For those who are frequent traveler, I suggest you get a 5 years passport as you can use it for quite long time. 

I got mine from Lahad Datu, and I would say service was really good. The only thing that you have to take note is you can only make payment before 3 PM. Otherwise you can only process your passport and pay the following day as the payment counter close at 3 PM. 

Anyway, for those who wanted to travel during this holiday I wish you all have a safe journey and have fun!

This is me, bukan perfeksi. 

Monday, May 20, 2013

Salah siapa?

Assalamualaikum semua!!!

Terlebih dahulu saya ingin memanjatkan kesyukuran kerana diberi kesempatan untuk menjadi sebahagian daripada warga pendidik SMK Sepagaya walaupun cuma bertaraf 'sementara'. Kepada semua rakan-rakan guru terutama guru-guru yang pernah mengajar saya, saya ucapkan selamat hari guru.

Baiklah, hari ini cerita saya berkisar mengenai sekolah saya. Pertama sekali, entri ini dibuat susulan daripada penulisan artikel daripada Klik sini untuk entri tersebut. Artikel tersebut bertajuk "SMK SEPAGAYA MUDAH DICEROBOH". 

Baiklah, mari kita lihat apa kelompongan dalam artikel tersebut. Sahabat pembaca sekalian, saya berasal daripada sekolah yang sama dan kini berkhidmat disekolah yang sama. Justeru, saya tahu serba sedikit mengenai sekolah ini. Sahabat sekalian pertama sekali mengenai dakwaan bahawa sekolah ini tidak mempunyai bekalan air. Dakwaan ini amat tidak masuk akal sekali kerana kemudahan air sentiasa ada. Bahkan, surau juga dilengkapi dengan kemudahan air bukan sahaja tandas (kecuali anak penulis artikel tidak pernah ke surau smk sepagaya mungkin beliau tidak tahu). 

Kedua, dakwaan mengenai sekolah ini mudah diceroboh kerana pagar yang rosak. Saudara sekalian, sekolah ini sudah berusia lebih 15 tahun dan sepanjang pengetahuan saya pagar ini sudah dibaiki 2 kali. Dalam masa terdekat pagar baru akan dibina. Yang menjadi kebimbangan ialah adakah pagar itu dapat bertahan. Ini kerana segelintir pelajar sering melakukan budaya vandelisme. Jika budaya vandelisme ini berlaku, salah siapa? sudah tentu ini salah pelajar tersebut (juga ibubapa). Saya tidak ingin menunding jari, tetapi kebelakangan ini ibubapa kurang perihatin terhadap anak mereka. Tidak perlu saya tunjukkan contoh disini kerana tidak ingin mengaibkan sesiapa. 

Baiklah, terus kepada dakwaan ketiga iaitu orang luar membolosi kawasan sekolah untuk memukul pelajar. Maafkan saya kerana ingin saya perbetulkan disini bahawa semua kes tersebut berlaku di LUAR sekolah. Kebanyakan pelajar ponteng membolosi pagar sekolah (bukan orang awam membolosi pagar sekolah) untuk keluar ke kawasan kedai. Jadi siapa salah? sudah tentu pelajar tersebut yang salah! Ini kerana masa pengajaran dan pembelajaran pelajar sepatutnya berada didalam kelas bukan di luar. Bukan begitu bapa kecewa (nama samaran penulis)? 

Yang terakhir, sebagai ibubapa yang perihatin sepatutnya perkara ini dibawa terus ke mesyuarat PIBG. Benda seperti ini hampir tidak ada kaitan dengan YB Salleh Kalbi (Mantan Ahli Parlimen p.188) ataupun YB Datu Nasrun (Kini Ahli Parlimen p. 188) kerana perkara seperti ini adalah dibawah bidang kuasa PIBG. Mungkin saudara bapa kecewa jarang sekali datang ke perjumpaan PIBG. 

Selesai dengan bidasan saya. Walau bagaimanapun, saya juga menyokong beberapa perkara yang diutarakan terutama mengenai bekalan elektrik. Sepatutnya pelajar belajar dalam suasana kondusif. Tetapi saya yakin yang perkara ini akan selesai dalam masa terdekat. 

Oleh itu, saya ingin menyatakan disini bahawa jika ada sesiapa yang tidak berpuas hati terutama mengenai prasarana sekolah eloklah terus ke saluran yang betul. Bukan menulis artikel seperti ini. 


This is me, bukanperfeksi.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Running Man

Assalamualaikum everyone!!!

Most people love running man, so do I. Started to love this variety show just few weeks ago. One night I couldn't sleep, so decided to watch TV instead. While I was changing channels, then I accidentally got tired so I rest at channel Astro 393 (One HD). It was running man marathon.

At first I was like, "dude running man not cool man." Then I said, what the heck just watch. Few minutes after that I can't stop laughing. It was the episode where Park Ji Sung became guest. To be honest I am not KPOP fan tho so couldn't recognize many guest faces. 

So here I am, stuck with running man. Did you guys know that it has been more than 5 years (I'm not too sure) since first time running man started first episode. Anyway, for those who don't know where to watch, here is the link

For those that wanted to know more details about running man, you may click here

Have fun!

This is me, bukan perfeksi. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Move On

Assalamualaikum everyone!!!

Today I want to talk about something informal (Has it been formal anyway?). So, how are you fellow readers? Hope everything goes according to plan. Anyway, today I wanna share about moving on. 

Is it hard? or is it actually easy but we choose to make it hard? I don't know either. But personally, I think its actually easy to move on. But we choose to make it hard because we as human like to hold on to history. I lose some people that I love so much. So what are the things that you need to do so you can move on? 

  1. I
  2. Don't
  3. Know
  4. Either

Seriously how ???? I am writing this because I don't know how. HUUUUUUUUUUU ='(

Okay gonna hung myself.

This is me, bukanperfeksi.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Learn to accept failure

Assalamualaikum fellow readers.

GE 13 has come to an end. It is time to face the fact that Barisan Nasional will rule Malaysia for next 5 years. I accept the fact that Pakatan Rakyat has loss and move on. I accept that this is the fate that Allah has written for us Malaysian. 

Pakatan Rakyat followers, my fellow friends, we don't have to blame others for this lose. We should reflect our self whether we have done good enough for the people or not. This loss did make me cry inside, and I couldn't hide my sadness however I have to accept the fact that we've loss. But still, Allah has His own plan. We don't know what will happen in future. Things happen for reason. 

To muslim supporters, please don't be too sad and angry. Accept this as Qada' and Qadar. Especially for Dr. Hamid Awong, our journey is still far. I did my part, and I believe that you did yours too. Therefore, we will fight till the end. 

Dr Hamid Awong

And to Barisan Nasional supporters, if you want us to accept the result "maturity style" I believe you also have to accept the result "maturity style". 

This is me, bukan perfeksi.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Kematian dan Manusia


Saudara-saudara sekalian, salah satu janji kita dengan Allah ialah yang hidup pasti akan mati. Sedar atau tidak, malaikat maut sebenarnya begitu rapat dengan kita. Setiap hari, malaikat maut melawat kita sebanyak 70 kali sehari. Subhanallah, saudara sekalian begitu hampir sekali ajal kita. Muda atau tua bukan pengukur. Sebentar tadi, sewaktu pulang dari berjemaah di masjid hamba tertarik dengan ceramah dari radio. Ustaz tersebut menyatakan sesuatu yang agak lucu iaitu nasiblah manusia ini nyawanya tidak dicabut mengikut abjad. Jika dicabut mengikut abjad pasti semua nama kita bermula dengan huruf 'Z'. 

Justeru dalam tulisan yang ringkas kali ini saudara, hamba ingin berpesan pada diri hamba terutamanya dan saudara pembaca sekalian agar bertaubat kerana selagi matahari tidak terbenam di barat, selagi itu pintu taubat masih terbuka. Dan, janganlah kita menunda taubat itu. Contohnya, esok sajalah. "Tak apa masih muda". Saudara sekalian, suka saya kongsikan cerita orang yang sudah koma berbulan-bulan tapi masih lagi bernyawa. Manakala anak buah saya hanya berumur 16 tahun ketika itu. Anak buah saya mengalami kecelakaan jalan raya dan terlebih dulu menghadap Allah berbanding orang yang sudah berbulan-bulan koma. Oleh itu, marilah kita berpesan sesama kita agar pulang ke jalan Allah.

Baiklah, sampai disini saja penulisan hamba. Yang baik itu datang dari Allah yang buruk itu datang dari hamba yang hina ini.

This is me, bukan perfeksi.


Thursday, May 2, 2013

Save Maryam

Assalamualaikum everyone!

Today I wanted to share about #Save Maryam. It is a campaign launch to fight 'Murtad' or people who convert from Muslim to other religion. It is a campaign that aren't really specifically only for Indonesia but the whole world. 

Personally, I support this campaign because not only in Indonesia, but I'm afraid Malaysia also are facing the same issue. Its just that this issue is kept in silence. Lack of understanding in Islam is probably the main reason why our young generation are getting into social problem. 

Fellow readers, it is time for us to step on reality. Please, do share this so that the campaign will become successful. 

This is me, bukan perfeksi.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Manusia dan Batu


Apa khabar semua? Harap semua dalam keadaan sihat dan selamat. Sahabat sekalian, pada hari ini hamba ingin berkongsi pendapat tentang manusia dan batu. 

Manusia diciptakan sebaik-sebaiknya ciptaan Allah. Manusia ini dilahirkan sama sahaja tarafnya pada pandangan Allah. Yang membezakan sesama kita hanyalah iman dan amal. Jadi sahabat sekalian, apa perkaitannya dengan batu? 

Sahabat sekalian, jika kita lihat sekeliling kita terdapat banyak batu-batu. Selain itu ada juga batu yang mahal, contohnya batu zamrud dan batu berlian. Mengapa sesetengahnya begitu mahal sekali? Sesetengahnya pula sebaliknya bahkan tidak ada harga? Ini kerana batu tersebut mempunya nilai. 

Nilai ini yang membezakan batu-batu tersebut. Sama juga seperti manusia. Membezakan antara kita hanyalah iman dan amal. Justeru, jika kita tidak beriman dan beramal kepada Allah, apa beza antara kita dan batu-batu tersebut. Nauzubillah. 

Baiklah, sampai disini saja perkongsian pendapat hamba. Semoga kita semua termasuk dalam kalangan golongan orang beriman. Amin. Perkongsian ini juga peringatan buat hamba, kerana sebagai saudara adalah molek untuk kita berpesan-pesan sesama kita.

Yang baik itu semuanya datang dari Allah, yang buruk itu datangnya dari hamba yang hina.  

Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Red Devils


Hey guys! EPL is closing soon and for those who still didn't know yet, Red Devils won the league! Yeah! Previous season was so thrilling. Manchester United almost won the title however Queens Park Rangers wasn't able to survive the fight against the 'noisy neighbor'. They were leading the game and I was so sure that 2011/2012 was ours sadly result turns out differently.  

This season took unexpected turn especially for The Blues. I still didn't understand why Roman Abrhamovich kick Roberto Di Mateo and instead chose Rafael Banitez (the one who screwed everything). When this season kick off, Chelsea were dominating the league. However, things get dirty. I hope Banitez won't stay long tho. Even I'm Manchester United die hard fan, I love Chelsea too. 

Anyway, I hope Nani will improve for next season. His performance this season didn't satisfied most fans. And as for RvP, thank you and congratulation for winning the title (finally). 

So, that is all for now.

Stay tuned for more cool stories.

This is me, Bukan Perfeksi.


Myvi SE1.5 To Buy or Not To Buy

Assalamualaikum Everyone!!!

I'm sorry that this is kinda late review. But, I just want to provide some basic review for future buyer. Either you're a fan of compact car or looking for first car, this is totally a car that suit you for long term.Why?

1. First of all, its a 1.5 engine. For compact car, this is good deal. I personally drove this car and my comment is, its powerful engine even I'm using automatic transmission. 

2. Fuel efficiency, moderate.On average, my meter showing 12.2 km/L. But it all depend on the driving attitude and also distance. When I was driving this on highway, usually able to reach 14 km/L even I always at 110mph. However the shorter the distance, fuel consumption is also quite high. In short distance, usually my meter will show 10.9 km/L. 

3. Exterior, not bad for national car. I love the exterior because I believe it suit young buyer. However certain thing you have to take note. Front bumper often loose (I believe this is pretty standard for Myvi owner). Others, 8 out 10. 

4. Interior, awesome. Interior design isn't that bad tho. Sound system is quite good. But, all plastic however it is fine for me. 

Competitor, I guess you can't compare orange and apple right? So I guess the closest competitors are: 

1. Persona 1.6: I admit I did consider this as my first car. But the interior is, bad! really bad!
Persona 1.6
 2. Suzuki swift, better spec but high price. If I have RM10k probably bought this tho.
Suzuki Swift

3. Saga FLX 1.3, in my opinion, OUT!

Saga FLX
Overall, I recommend those who are looking for first, its better to go for this car. Unless you are from rich family then why bother then. I bought mine last year. So far, I had an awesome experience. 

Anyway, that is all for now.

Stay tuned for more stories!

This is me, bukan perfeksi.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Price tag


Fellow gentleman and ladies, I hope you guys are doing fine today! Today let us talk about price tag. Anyway, this song is for you guys. I wanted to put the official video but, not so suitable. Anyway enjoy this song first.

Get it? I love this song, personally. because it picture us in today's world. Take a minute to think, who's your neighbor next door? ever politely ask them, "how are you? is everything fine?" and sincere smile to them? Yeah! we should be positive starting tomorrow. Especially for young people, be energetic. Keep smile ^^ 

Some people believe that people got price tag, and some people believe they got price stick to their body. This is true, for example bribe. If you accept a $100 note for your integrity, then that is your price tag dude. Go home! You are not allowed to live in Malaysia. And hello people, if you dare to make mistake accept the fact that you've done something wrong. Don't ask to police not to give you summon or under-table talk. Just take the ticket. Don't bribe police officer! Human don't have price tag.

Anyway, I hope young people won't practice this culture. 

So, that is all for today.  

Stay tuned for more cool stories. 

Thursday, April 25, 2013


Assalamualaikum Semua!!!

Maafkan hamba kerana tidak mengemaskini cerita di blog ini. Apa Khabar sahabat sekalian? Harap semuanya sihat dan diberkati Allah. Saudara sekalian, pada hari ini suka sekiranya hamba berkongsi pendapat mengenai suatu tajuk yang hamba fikir sesuai untuk kita semua umat akhir zaman ini. Tajuk pada hari ini ialah mengenai, sifat malu.

"Malu itu datangnya daripada keimanan dan membawa kesyurga dan sebaliknya membawa ke neraka."


Saudara yang dirahmati Allah, andaikan hidup kita ini seperti blog. Setiap apa yang kita lakukan kita catitkan didalam blog untuk tatapan orang ramai, untuk dibaca, pasti kita cuma mahu menunjukkan sisi yang cantik sahaja walhal apa yang kita lakukan begitu hina sekali. Contohnya, pada pagi hari kita bangun pada pukul 9 pagi tetapi apa yang kita beri tahu orang lain kita bangun untuk solat subuh. Sebab apa kita beri tahu perkara yang tidak benar? Sebab kita malu dengan orang lain. Saudara sekalian, persoalannya disini siapakah sahabat kita jika dibandingkan dengan Allah? Kita malu dengan manusia tetapi tidak malu pada pencipta. Itu hakikat yang saya dan saudara sekalian harus terima. 

Sifat malu ini saudara sekalian ialah sifat yang dianugerahkan oleh Allah. Bayangkan hidup kita ini tiada sifat malu, sesuka hati saja kita pergi kemana-mana tanpa berpakaian bukan? Sifat malu ini Allah kurniakan bukan saja pada orang islam bahkan pada orang bukan islam juga. Mereka juga malu untuk melakukan perkara-perkara yang salah dan haram seperti juga kita kerana di dunia ini tidak ada satu agama pun yang menganjurkan penganutnya berbuat kejahatan. 

Justeru, saya berpesan terutama pada diri hamba dan sahabat yang hamba sayangi. Mari kita perbaiki diri kita. Pelihara sifat malu kerana malu itu perisai orang beriman. Saudara sekalian, yang baik itu datang dari Allah, yang buruk itu datang dari hamba sendiri. 

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Battle for Redemption

Assalamualaikum Everyone!!!

Hey fellow readers, it has been busy weekend for me how about you guys? Hope everything goes to according to your plan ^^. Today I wanted to share with you guys about something religious. Please don't be so judgmental towards me.

So everyone, do you ever feel lost even when you're not? I do. I admit when I was studying and working in Kuala Lumpur, my lifestyle was terrible. Its better for me not to say what I've done in KL. I do feel shammed of myself and regret for the things that I've done. That is also one of the reason why I leave KL and move back to my hometown, nothing but for redemption. I need to clean myself from all the sin that I did when I was in KL. Don't get me wrong, KL is good I'm just not tough enough to live in KL. 

Anyway, everyone has his/her own battle for redemption. We wanted to leave everything bad and start new life. Some people manage to build his/her new life without problem. Most, end up doing same thing all over again. Why? Because many of them didn't get support from friends and family. Actually its not that their family and friends don't want to give support but they didn't know about this 'transition'. Therefore, my suggestion is, let your family or close friend know. At least they can motivate you when you start to lose track. 

Fellow readers, always remember that when you lose yourself, Allah will always be with you every second. Never lose your faith in Him. InShaa Allah, things will be normal again. Lailahaillallah Muhammadurrasullah. Our journey is still far, be thankful that we still be given chance to pray for His mercy. We can never escape from making mistake, because we are human. But always remember, Allah is always watching us. 

Anyway, that is all for today.

Stay tuned for more stories. 

This is me, bukan perfeksi.


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Cabaran Bahasa Melayu dalam dunia moden.


Apa khabar pembaca hamba yang setia (bajet popular)? Hari ini topik yang ingin saya utarakan ialah cabaran bahasa Melayu dalam dunia moden. Dalam arus pemodenan yang semakin deras, teknologi semakin canggih saban hari. 10 tahun yang lalu, Malaysia secara khususnya umpama dilanda demam dengan lambakan telefon bimbit yang canggih. Boleh membuat panggilan dan melakukan khidmat pesanan ringkas (SMS). Beberapa tahun kemudian, didatangi pula dengan pendatang baru iaitu telefon bimbit dengan kamera. Tidak lama selepas itu, muncul pula pelbagai variasi telefon sehinggalah ke hari ini, teknologi telefon bimbit begitu maju sekali. 

Justeru, ramai pemikir bahasa Melayu melahirkan kebimbangan susulan daripada perkembangan yang begitu pesat. Terutama implikasi penggunaan teknologi ini kepada golongan muda tidak kurang juga golongan berusia. Apa yang sering menjadi kebimbangan golongan ini ialah penggunaan bahasa Melayu yang tidak boleh dikategorikan sebagai bahasa rojak dan bahasa pasar tidak dilupakan juga penggunaan kata singkatan. Mereka berpendapat bahawa penggunaan bahasa ini merencatkan keunikan serta kecantikan bahasa Melayu kita. 

"I rasa mcm nak g lunch dulu dgn member I, U datang jap g la" 

"aku tak setuju dengan benda neh"

"lu ingat lu sudah cukup baik la!"

Ramai dalam kalangan kita yang menggunakan laras bahasa yang salah. Tidak dinafikan yang saya juga sering melakukan benda yang sama. Tetapi pada pendapat saya, penulis harus bijak menggunakan bahasa. Jika kita menulis sebuah artikel yang majoritinya dibaca oleh pembaca yang fasih dan faham bahasa Melayu, adalah lebih elok kita tulis dengan laras bahasa yang bagus. Ini tidak, perjuangan berpaksikan dan berteraskan agenda mempertahankan bangsa Melayu, pada pendapat saya ia termasuk menjaga khazanah bangsa itu sendiri termasuk bahasa. 

Dipetik daripada

Contoh seperti artikel di atas, memang banyak kesalahan. Tetapi bukan niat saya untuk menunding jari, tetapi hanya ingin menunjukkan apa kesilapan kita selama ini sehingga saya rasa nilai bahasa kita semakin hari semakin rendah. contoh seperti perkataan 'Undang2', sebenarnya ialah 'undang-undang'. Bukankah lebih cantik jika kita menulis dengan laras yang betul? 

Dipetik daripada

Cuba kita bandingkan dengan hasit tulisan daripada, bukankah lebih moleh jika kita menulis dengan laras bahasa yang sesuai, tatabahasa yang betul. Bahasa mencerminkan bangsa. Saudara yang saya sayangi sekalian, artikel ini saya tulis juga untuk peringatan saya sendiri agar menulis dengan baik. Baiklah, jika kita ingin menulis dalam bahasa Inggeris, amatlah saya galakkan kita menggunakan bahasa Inggeris sepenuhnya. Ini kerana saya tidak menafikan peranan Bahasa Inggeris kerana saya sendiri mendapat pendidikan berlatarbelakangkan pendidikan Inggeris. 

Ingin saya tegaskan disini bahawa, saya tidak berniat untuk mengaibkan mana-mana pihak. Hanya ingin mengubah senario semasa dengan pengaruh yang sedikit. Saya berharap agar saya dan sahabat-sahabat pembaca sekalian dapat mengubah persekitaran kita. 

Baiklah sampai disini pertemuan kita, akhir kata bahasa jiwa bangsa. 

Ini saya, bukan perfeksi.


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Things you should never involve when you work.


How was your Tuesday guys? Pretty good huh? Well I hope everyone had an awesome Tuesday. Well today I wanted to share with you guys about politics, office politics. Office politics also known as workplace politics or organizational politics. Hurmmmm sounds good? Its actually a bad idea to involve in one. 

Let me tell you my experience about office politics. When I was doing my internship (I don't want to reveal where) most of my colleague doesn't like our beloved boss. So they keep talking behind her and you know, as intern you just listen. Because of those conversation that I heard, I respect her less. Most of the things are actually true. She was kinda, "jerk". So long story short, I bashed on family day because of her mouth that is just so........ I rather not say it here. So I tell her to fuck herself (figuratively of course). Next thing I know I received letter from 'board' saying I'm not suitable to work with them. Guess what, those people that were talking badly about her was stabbing me from behind. Keep saying bad stuff about her, but then turn around they became another person. So from there, I knew that I was trapped in office politics. 

So in other words, office politics is bad choice to involve in. Here are some tips so you don't get involve in office politics

  1. Never ever open personal conversation to your colleague. Come at 9 a.m and do your work. Why? Let say you just join a company for 2 weeks, how can you trust someone you know for 2 weeks? Never trust people too easy. They might use your personal matter to attack you. Or worse, they tell to another colleague. 
  2. Never be a joker. Why? This is obvious. workplace is place to work. Your manager doesn't hire a clown to entertain the whole office. Just focus on your work. Second thing is, you can't get angry when you are a joker? tell me which clown in the world gets angry? 
  3. Always stay on track. Why? The 'seniors' might say, "Lets go out and smoke, our boss wouldn't know". Phewwww you gotta stay out from these people. They are the one who gonna get you fired. The 'seniors' are usually the one who have two faces. Its better not to against any company rules. 
  4. Never have relationship with your colleague. Why? Its dangerous to date your colleague. You can't predict that you won't fight. You know, boyfriend and girlfriend stuff. You can never avoid fight. Is better to stay out of the relationship radar. 
  5. Just listen, never judge. Why? This is where things always go wrong. Most people will judge (that includes me) when they listen. This is absolutely wrong at all level. Never judge people for things that doesn't have any proof .
I hope you guys won't fall for this. This is just opinion based article. Has no relationship with academic writing. Anyway, Thank you for reading (if any) HAHAHAHAH!

That is all for today.

Stay tuned for more cool stories. 

This is me, bukan perfeksi.


Twitter: @bukanperfeksi
Instagram: Akutukanggambar

Monday, April 15, 2013

So you want to graduate?


Hey fellow gentlemen and ladies! So today, I still feeling tired even I already slept for 8 hours. Still, not enough for me. Today I got to clean up house, pick up my little sister and go to work. I feel 25 tho I'm still 22. Why? working makes me feel old. But its something every person in the world going to experience. Anyway, notice picture above (OMG its so obvious right)? Yeah..... I wanna share with you guys my opinion and my own experience right after I finish my study. 

Anyway, I finish my study in June 2012. So I was in Kuala Lumpur thinking what should I do. Should I come back to Sabah or should I continue staying in Kuala Lumpur. So, after few days of smashing head I decided to stay. So I blast my resume. Then I wait, not too long to be honest. So I got my first interview but usually you don't get the first one. Then I got my second interview as sales executive at Petro1 SDN BHD. About 4 months, decided to stop working and back to University to continue my project as I was the project manager for Kolokium Sekretariat Rukun Negara Kebangsaan 2012. 

Then after Kolokium, I started work with Jalatama Management SDN BHD as investment analysis executive. About 3 months working I got my promotion as Assistant Manager. At same time, I took opportunity as teacher at SMK SEPAGAYA. So, basically that is all my experience as fresh grad. 

Okay guys, back to the main point here. From the pictures above (the one from 9gag), in my opinion, only us can change the flow. why? because if we continue this flow our children gonna end up just like us. Before graduation we all have this creative idea. I encourage all of you guys to continue. Believe in yourself. You can't change the flow until we take the opportunity to change. It is hard to be honest. But you got to believe that you can make the change. 

Being a fresh grad is difficult task. You have little experience and people lack of trust towards you. So how you gonna handle this? Never become to picky when it comes to job. You got to do everything even it is not your choice. But trust me, its gonna pay soon. Gather experience and start evaluating your idea, for example can you do this business? if you open business is it marketable? Therefore you know where you should stand. But be careful, never lose yourself. Keep doing reflection. I will share with you guys some other time about how to do reflection. 

Alright, I think that is enough for today. 

Stay tuned for more cool stories.

This is me bukan perfeksi.


Twitter: @bukanperfeksi
Instagram: AkuTukangGambar

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Guide for car shipping from Peninsular to Sabah


Hey guys! How was everything? Mine was awesome. Imagine in 24 Hours I went to Kota Kinabalu and exactly at 5 PM I arrived at Lahad Datu, driving alone from Kota Kinabalu to Lahad Datu. Oh my, I am so tired right now. But for the sake of my readers (ada ka?) I still write even though I am super duper exhausted. 

So today I'm gonna share with you guys how to handle car shipping from peninsular to sabah (or vice versa). Well the procedure is basically the same. First of all you guys have to go to bank to get release letter from bank. Take note that you also can get the letter from any branches (tapi mesti sama bank ok taiko.). So as for me, I ask for the release letter from bank in Lahad Datu. They will charge you RM20 for processing fee and another extra RM15 if you want the letter to be posted from the origin branch (the one you sign agreement with). It will take roughly about 3 days for AmBank. Another thing is you got to have supporting document i.e. transfer letter or resignation letter. 

After you finish all those procedure with bank, then you need to find shipping company. Well here come my recommendation. I suggest you all go for MDM Shipping SDN. BHD. Their HQ is at Kota Kinabalu. Click here for their website. Total cost for mine is RM2500 $.$ yes it is expensive but you get what you pay that is all I would say about their service. Then after you find shipping company, you need to give them either release letter from bank or the car grant. As for this, its better for you guys to give release letter. And, DONE! 

why? shipping company will deal with Malaysian Customs, JPJ or any agencies related. All you got to do is be patient while your car is transfer by ship. It will roughly take 7 days from Port Klang to Jessolton port. So for that period, pray hard that your ship won't delay. And Finish. You can pick up your car at their office or at port. However, I am not so sure if you wanted to transfer your car from other port. But yeah, you can always give them call. 

Here are some pictures that I took during my journey taking my car from Kota Kinabalu. And I like to call it, GERAKAN SOLO! Not Sulu okay.

while waiting for bus last night, solo. =/

Myvi SE1.5 finally arrived.

Rumah Manis Rumah ^^'

Anyway, That is all for today.

Stay tuned for more Gerakan Solo update. 

This is me, bukan perfeksi.


Saturday, April 13, 2013



Hello guys! I hope you guys having good time with family, friends and love one on weekend. Well today is school day even its Saturday. Duh! Anyway, I suppose to attend Latihan Dalam Perkhidmatan (LDP) but I didn't. Instead, I was handling my scout troop. Yeah! I felt so excited when I see my scout boys. The reason felt so excited because I was part of the troop (Kumpulan Ke-27) back in 2004 until 2008. And it was one of the awesome part of my life. Let me show you some memories. 

Kem Millenium Lahad Datu
Credit to: Alex Chang TH
Yes its him. Zhafir the actor in Oh My English.
Credit to: Alex Chang TH

That was me!
The one with white jacket is me. Azmi Aziz and Farzana Naim was in the troop too.

It was one of the best part of my life. Me and Azmi Aziz almost promoted to King Scout but our log book were misplaced. So disappointed but we move forward. Anyway, I encourage people to join scout even after you finish school. You can always join 'Pengakap Kelana'. Next time I will share with you guys about scouting. For me, once scout always scout! 

I would say scouting help me a lot to survive in this crazy dance called life. Thanks to Mr Alex Chang. He really a good teacher. One day, I wish I could me like him. 

Anyway that is all for today. 

Stay tuned for more awesome stories. 

This is me, bukan perfeksi.


Friday, April 12, 2013

Traditional cloth, Yay or Nay?


How are you fellow readers? Today was a good day? Today is quite good for me. For Muslim, Friday is a  Head of the week or "penghulu segala hari". As usual, every Friday I always dressed up with Malay traditional cloth, Baju Melayu. I always wear it since my first year in college. 

Baju Melayu that was given by my adopted family.

Well the main reason I carried this tradition because I believed that young generation should keep this tradition alive. We should be proud of our origin and tradition. Well tho I favor wearing suit, I feel more "Manly" when I wear Baju Melayu. Baju Melayu believed exist since the existence of great Malacca Sultanate. Most of Malay movies portray people with Baju Melayu for example Hang Tuah, Semerah Padi and many more. Allahyarham Tan Sri P.Ramlee are one of the directors, actors and producers that always promote this traditional cloth in most of his films. 

"Musik seperti ilmu agama, tidak kira sehebat mana mereka pergi mereka tetap dengan agama mereka. kerana apa? kerana ilmu agama itu memang sudah ada dalam diri mereka. Sebab itu music tradisional melayu harus mereka pelajari sejak kecil lagi."
Allahyarham Tan Sri P. Ramlee

Interview from History Channel 

I personally believed that our traditional cloth is our identity. It shows our strength and unity. Not just for Malay, but Chinese and Indian or any races. We are the generation that decide whether to keep this thing alive or leave it die as time goes by. 

Alright guys enough with that. HAHAHA! Tomorrow is school day for us. Duh -_-'' but its okay. Phew can't wait for my car to arrive. Lucky ana help me on sunday. Can't wait to see her, been so long. 

Anyway, that is all for today.

Stay tuned for more cool stories. 

This is me, bukan perfeksi.


Thursday, April 11, 2013

Day 2


Hello everybody! So today suppose to be my 2nd day blogging. Hopefully I will never get tired updating this blog daily. Alright, today isn't really a bad day tho. Woke up 9.30AM, Gosh I woke up so late because last night I got terrible headache. Perghhhh! Sakit derrrr....! So I prepare everything for my class later on and notice there is one thing I didn't do. SAPS! And I was like, daym!!! So I rushed to finished it and thank God managed to finish it before "kakak sheriniza" call me. 

So do you guys know about SAPS. Well SAPS stand for Sistem Analisa Peperiksaan Sekolah (SAPS). Its a website owned by Ministry of Education. If you guys want to check it out this is the link. But of course you guys need ID and Password to access. In my opinion, this system is quite good.

One of the advantages of this system is that when a student wants to shift to another school teachers don't have to struggle so much to put in all the marks or any record of the students. Students data are stored in this database. Therefore, school doesn't have to stored paper. Therefore, we can safe paper ^^

Another advantages is that parents can monitor their child performances. As technology developed, parents need to adopt way things changing. This is not year 90's anymore where students came together with their parents to school and talk about students academic performance. Parents able to access their child performance 24/7. Although parents-teacher day are still widely used by our school (well I find it necessary), this is a good alternative. So kids, NO EXIT FOR YA'LL!!! 

Anyway, that is all for today.

Stay tuned for more awesome stories.

This is me, bukan perfeksi.


Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Salam semua!!!

So basically here I am, blogging. Tho this is not my first blog I just felt that I wanted to write again. So let start. First of all the reason I am blogging again is because I wanted to express my journey in adulthood 'sangat la kan'. This year I'm 22 years old. Well lets just started with my biography.

My name is saifullah suratmin. I'm from Lahad Datu (Yes the one invaded by Kiram). Well I'm approaching 22 this year. Just graduated from University of The West of England last year (2012). Currently I'm assistant manager at Jalatama Management, so if you guys are traders or investors you guys are listening to right person here :p I am also part time teacher at SMK Sepagaya. Well, to be honest being a teacher is tough tho but we're going to talk about it later ^^'

Anyway, my blog covered most issues like economy, politics, lifestyle and my daily routine. well, since it has been so long I never write in English, please excuse my English. Even when I say I'm graduates from England, never been there tho. How? I studied in Taylor's University. 

So let start, today I feel like I want to talk about myself. Nah just kidding, you heard about me enough aren't you? HIHIHI!!! 

Okay so that is all for today. 

Stay tuned for more awesome stories.

This is me, bukan perfeksi.......
