Friday, April 12, 2013

Traditional cloth, Yay or Nay?


How are you fellow readers? Today was a good day? Today is quite good for me. For Muslim, Friday is a  Head of the week or "penghulu segala hari". As usual, every Friday I always dressed up with Malay traditional cloth, Baju Melayu. I always wear it since my first year in college. 

Baju Melayu that was given by my adopted family.

Well the main reason I carried this tradition because I believed that young generation should keep this tradition alive. We should be proud of our origin and tradition. Well tho I favor wearing suit, I feel more "Manly" when I wear Baju Melayu. Baju Melayu believed exist since the existence of great Malacca Sultanate. Most of Malay movies portray people with Baju Melayu for example Hang Tuah, Semerah Padi and many more. Allahyarham Tan Sri P.Ramlee are one of the directors, actors and producers that always promote this traditional cloth in most of his films. 

"Musik seperti ilmu agama, tidak kira sehebat mana mereka pergi mereka tetap dengan agama mereka. kerana apa? kerana ilmu agama itu memang sudah ada dalam diri mereka. Sebab itu music tradisional melayu harus mereka pelajari sejak kecil lagi."
Allahyarham Tan Sri P. Ramlee

Interview from History Channel 

I personally believed that our traditional cloth is our identity. It shows our strength and unity. Not just for Malay, but Chinese and Indian or any races. We are the generation that decide whether to keep this thing alive or leave it die as time goes by. 

Alright guys enough with that. HAHAHA! Tomorrow is school day for us. Duh -_-'' but its okay. Phew can't wait for my car to arrive. Lucky ana help me on sunday. Can't wait to see her, been so long. 

Anyway, that is all for today.

Stay tuned for more cool stories. 

This is me, bukan perfeksi.


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