Sunday, March 30, 2014

So you scored straight A's in SPM?

Assalamualaikum and Good day,

First of all I would like to congratulate those who get high distinction in SPM. Your hardwork is already paid, and get this, what you gave before is what are you getting now. And for those with an average result, or maybe less than what you satisfied (or your parents satisfied), cry no more because there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. In other words, move on boys. 

So whats next? College? University? Working? Not Working? Holiday? Well that is pretty though. But as for me, I decided long before my actual result out. Why? Because I know what I want. Boys, listen up. You must know what you want. Sitting down and thinking what to do next is crucial but too much? you gonna need help from your parents. And please, never listen to your friends. Yes you do need advice from friends but hey, here is what you should know: THEY DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU WANT.  

What does it mean by knowing what you want? It means you can see yourself 5 years from now or maybe 10 years from now. Why? Because what you decide today after SPM will define who you are in the next 5 years. Let me tell you little bit about myself. Back when I was 17, I wanted to be a doctor. Yes sir, a DOCTOR. But, I had trouble scoring in biology, chemistry and..... physics. I am not saying I'm giving up early but I did tried my best during the exam before SPM when I realize, if I still wanted to be a doctor and later on I realize, I can't and give up. I'm gonna had a hard time in future. But I notice, my passion isn't there. 

So basically, how do I end up as an Accountant? I love corporate world. I love making tough decision, making analysis and most important I love making money. So I begin to think so what course shall I take? And I start doing research and found out that Accounting is the key to successful business. "You don't need accountant" said every failed businessman/woman. Then I begin to search the best university that is when I found out about Taylor's University. Long story short, I enrolled end of December. Yes you read it. I decide before even I sit for SPM. Why? Because I can't see myself as a doctor, but I can see myself sitting behind computer all day, attend meeting, doing analysis. 

So my point is, right now, you have to know what you want. Do what you want, be who you want to be. Do not enrolled to matriculation just because everybody does that. Do not enrolled to college just because your parents wants to see you 4 years from now holding a degree with a RM21,000.00 debt (or more). Ask this to yourself, where do you see yourself in 5 years? 

Anyway, I want to congratulate my brother for straight A's. And this post is to remind all of you out there, you should not be afraid of what people think about you. Good day!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Cabaran guru dalam dunia tanpa sempadan

Assalamualaikum semua!

Pada hari ini tamatlah tugas saya sebagai guru secara rasmi. Baiklah, seperti yang saya sudah janjikan sebelum ini saya akan bercerita mengenai cabaran guru dalam dunia tanpa sempadan. Dalam dunia yang serba canggih ini, maklumat peribadi kita bukan lagi rahsia. Dalam sekelip mata, kita sudah dapat maklumat yang kita kehendaki. Ramai juga yang menggunakan maklumat peribadi ini untuk menyerang guru begitu juga pentadbir sekolah. 

Guru tidak lari daripada kepesatan teknologi. Dalam pelan pembangunan pendidikan 2013-2025, begitu banyak sekali inisiatif kerajaan dalam memastikan golongan guru sentiasa ditahap terbaik terutama sekali dalam memastikan guru-guru fasih dalam dunia serba canggih ini. Kini, bukan sahaja guru perlu celik dalam konteks IT, tetapi juga mendepani masalah sosial dalam kalangan pelajar terutama dalam era dunia tanpa sempadan.

Era dunia tanpa sempadan bermaksud maklumat juga berada dihujung jari pelajar. Jika tidak dikawal, dikhuatiri pelajar akan mudah terpengaruh apatah lagi pelajar sekolah menengah berada dalam peringkat ingin mencuba. Justeru, ibubapa memainkan peranan penting. Memetik kata-kata ustaz kazim alias, beliau menyatakan bahawa ibubapa bertanggungjawab mengajar anak tentang akhlak sebagai pelajar. Ini bermaksud ibubapa harus mempersiapkan anak mereka untuk sedia menerima ilmu. Manakala tanggungjawab guru pula ialah memastikan pelajar menerima ilmu tersebut. Jadi, jika salah satu gagal berfungsi maka ini bermaksud terdapat kelemahan dalam satu sistem pendidikanm iaitu pendidikan dari ibubapa dan guru.

Oleh yang demikian, saya pasti dalam tempoh menjelang 2020 ini profession guru patut diangkat lebih tinggi lagi kerana cabaran yang mereka lalui bukan calang-calang. Diharapkan agar ibubapa memainkan peranan dalam mendidik anak-anak dari rumah lagi agar lebih berdisiplin. Yang baik itu datang dari Allah, yang buruk itu datang dari diri saya yang lemah ini.

This is me, bukan perfeksi.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

International Passport

Assalamualaikum everyone!!!

Today was hectic for me. Fuuuuu! Lot of things to do before retired as teacher. Anyway, today I wanted to share about International passport. First of all I want to congratulate our Immigration department of Malaysia for their wonderful improvement. *applause everybody*


I think that they have done huge improvement. Now, it only took roughly about 1 hour and 30 minutes to make International Passport. The price also has reduced and I think it is quite affordable and reasonable for everyone. For a 2 years passport, it only cost me RM100. For those that want extra mile, you can get a 5 years passport that will only cost you RM200. For those who are frequent traveler, I suggest you get a 5 years passport as you can use it for quite long time. 

I got mine from Lahad Datu, and I would say service was really good. The only thing that you have to take note is you can only make payment before 3 PM. Otherwise you can only process your passport and pay the following day as the payment counter close at 3 PM. 

Anyway, for those who wanted to travel during this holiday I wish you all have a safe journey and have fun!

This is me, bukan perfeksi. 

Monday, May 20, 2013

Salah siapa?

Assalamualaikum semua!!!

Terlebih dahulu saya ingin memanjatkan kesyukuran kerana diberi kesempatan untuk menjadi sebahagian daripada warga pendidik SMK Sepagaya walaupun cuma bertaraf 'sementara'. Kepada semua rakan-rakan guru terutama guru-guru yang pernah mengajar saya, saya ucapkan selamat hari guru.

Baiklah, hari ini cerita saya berkisar mengenai sekolah saya. Pertama sekali, entri ini dibuat susulan daripada penulisan artikel daripada Klik sini untuk entri tersebut. Artikel tersebut bertajuk "SMK SEPAGAYA MUDAH DICEROBOH". 

Baiklah, mari kita lihat apa kelompongan dalam artikel tersebut. Sahabat pembaca sekalian, saya berasal daripada sekolah yang sama dan kini berkhidmat disekolah yang sama. Justeru, saya tahu serba sedikit mengenai sekolah ini. Sahabat sekalian pertama sekali mengenai dakwaan bahawa sekolah ini tidak mempunyai bekalan air. Dakwaan ini amat tidak masuk akal sekali kerana kemudahan air sentiasa ada. Bahkan, surau juga dilengkapi dengan kemudahan air bukan sahaja tandas (kecuali anak penulis artikel tidak pernah ke surau smk sepagaya mungkin beliau tidak tahu). 

Kedua, dakwaan mengenai sekolah ini mudah diceroboh kerana pagar yang rosak. Saudara sekalian, sekolah ini sudah berusia lebih 15 tahun dan sepanjang pengetahuan saya pagar ini sudah dibaiki 2 kali. Dalam masa terdekat pagar baru akan dibina. Yang menjadi kebimbangan ialah adakah pagar itu dapat bertahan. Ini kerana segelintir pelajar sering melakukan budaya vandelisme. Jika budaya vandelisme ini berlaku, salah siapa? sudah tentu ini salah pelajar tersebut (juga ibubapa). Saya tidak ingin menunding jari, tetapi kebelakangan ini ibubapa kurang perihatin terhadap anak mereka. Tidak perlu saya tunjukkan contoh disini kerana tidak ingin mengaibkan sesiapa. 

Baiklah, terus kepada dakwaan ketiga iaitu orang luar membolosi kawasan sekolah untuk memukul pelajar. Maafkan saya kerana ingin saya perbetulkan disini bahawa semua kes tersebut berlaku di LUAR sekolah. Kebanyakan pelajar ponteng membolosi pagar sekolah (bukan orang awam membolosi pagar sekolah) untuk keluar ke kawasan kedai. Jadi siapa salah? sudah tentu pelajar tersebut yang salah! Ini kerana masa pengajaran dan pembelajaran pelajar sepatutnya berada didalam kelas bukan di luar. Bukan begitu bapa kecewa (nama samaran penulis)? 

Yang terakhir, sebagai ibubapa yang perihatin sepatutnya perkara ini dibawa terus ke mesyuarat PIBG. Benda seperti ini hampir tidak ada kaitan dengan YB Salleh Kalbi (Mantan Ahli Parlimen p.188) ataupun YB Datu Nasrun (Kini Ahli Parlimen p. 188) kerana perkara seperti ini adalah dibawah bidang kuasa PIBG. Mungkin saudara bapa kecewa jarang sekali datang ke perjumpaan PIBG. 

Selesai dengan bidasan saya. Walau bagaimanapun, saya juga menyokong beberapa perkara yang diutarakan terutama mengenai bekalan elektrik. Sepatutnya pelajar belajar dalam suasana kondusif. Tetapi saya yakin yang perkara ini akan selesai dalam masa terdekat. 

Oleh itu, saya ingin menyatakan disini bahawa jika ada sesiapa yang tidak berpuas hati terutama mengenai prasarana sekolah eloklah terus ke saluran yang betul. Bukan menulis artikel seperti ini. 


This is me, bukanperfeksi.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Running Man

Assalamualaikum everyone!!!

Most people love running man, so do I. Started to love this variety show just few weeks ago. One night I couldn't sleep, so decided to watch TV instead. While I was changing channels, then I accidentally got tired so I rest at channel Astro 393 (One HD). It was running man marathon.

At first I was like, "dude running man not cool man." Then I said, what the heck just watch. Few minutes after that I can't stop laughing. It was the episode where Park Ji Sung became guest. To be honest I am not KPOP fan tho so couldn't recognize many guest faces. 

So here I am, stuck with running man. Did you guys know that it has been more than 5 years (I'm not too sure) since first time running man started first episode. Anyway, for those who don't know where to watch, here is the link

For those that wanted to know more details about running man, you may click here

Have fun!

This is me, bukan perfeksi. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Move On

Assalamualaikum everyone!!!

Today I want to talk about something informal (Has it been formal anyway?). So, how are you fellow readers? Hope everything goes according to plan. Anyway, today I wanna share about moving on. 

Is it hard? or is it actually easy but we choose to make it hard? I don't know either. But personally, I think its actually easy to move on. But we choose to make it hard because we as human like to hold on to history. I lose some people that I love so much. So what are the things that you need to do so you can move on? 

  1. I
  2. Don't
  3. Know
  4. Either

Seriously how ???? I am writing this because I don't know how. HUUUUUUUUUUU ='(

Okay gonna hung myself.

This is me, bukanperfeksi.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Learn to accept failure

Assalamualaikum fellow readers.

GE 13 has come to an end. It is time to face the fact that Barisan Nasional will rule Malaysia for next 5 years. I accept the fact that Pakatan Rakyat has loss and move on. I accept that this is the fate that Allah has written for us Malaysian. 

Pakatan Rakyat followers, my fellow friends, we don't have to blame others for this lose. We should reflect our self whether we have done good enough for the people or not. This loss did make me cry inside, and I couldn't hide my sadness however I have to accept the fact that we've loss. But still, Allah has His own plan. We don't know what will happen in future. Things happen for reason. 

To muslim supporters, please don't be too sad and angry. Accept this as Qada' and Qadar. Especially for Dr. Hamid Awong, our journey is still far. I did my part, and I believe that you did yours too. Therefore, we will fight till the end. 

Dr Hamid Awong

And to Barisan Nasional supporters, if you want us to accept the result "maturity style" I believe you also have to accept the result "maturity style". 

This is me, bukan perfeksi.